Nutrition - It Starts With Digestion
Nutritional Counseling
Part of the Healing Arts

Proper Nutrition is the Most Important Part of the Healing Arts
Proper nutrition is usually the MOST important part of a successful fitness program. Just because you exercise doesn’t mean you can erase all the bad eating habits you possess. However, many people think that proper eating means you have to starve yourself or eat foods that you don’t like. It’s not that at all.
Proper nutrition involves your body actually receiving what it needs - not just putting food in your mouth and swallowing. You will learn that you can implement simple habits into your daily routine that will maximize your results. Calculator or app NOT required.
Adjusting Your Diet
Infuse the Nutrition You Require
Start with Your Existing Diet
Make Adjustments - Not Wholesale Changes
You Can Still Eat Your Favorite Foods
Understand How Different Foods Convert To Energy
Learn the Role of Food in the Functioning of the Human Body
Portion Sizes in a Well-balanced Diet
Don’t Eliminate Essential Foods
Live a Healthier Lifestyle of Moderation
Don’t Harm Your Body by Experimenting with Fad Diets